
Reminder about Marketing and Advertising

The College of Chiropractors of British Columbia would like to take this opportunity to remind registrants that all marketing for chiropractic services must be truthful, verifiable, accurate and not misleading.  Registrants are encouraged to review their marketing materials from time to time to ensure compliance with marketing regulations including but not limited to:

Check for Archived Information

The College would like to acknowledge that the vast majority of chiropractors comply with the established policies, bylaws and regulations.  Often when we see registrants falling outside of marketing rules, it is due to archived information that is still publicly available.  We encourage registrants to review their marketing materials and public communication channels from time to time to ensure regulatory compliance.  Registrants should:

  • Pay close attention to pages on their clinic website that may no longer be accessible or linked to the main page.  These pages, if not deleted or unpublished, are often still available through an internet search.
  • Review achieved posts, images and content on social media channels that are used for business or public information purposes to ensure compliance with the rules of the day.
  • Scan archived patient newsletters that are still publicly available and remove any information that would be offside of the bylaws or Professional Conduct Handbook.
  • Inventory patient education materials in their clinic to look for outdated information that may still be lingering.

Check your sources

Another cause for falling outside of marketing rules is when registrants quote or repurpose information from organizations and individuals outside of the province and fail to recognize how the information applies to the context of BC’s regulation.  The chiropractic scope of practice varies greatly within Canada and around the world.   Before reusing or reposting information from another party, review it carefully to ensure it complies with the BC rules and regulations.  As professionals, registrants are ultimately responsible for the content posted in their marketing materials.

We appreciate the time and efforts of registrants in remaining up to date on the relevant legislation and regulations that apply to chiropractic practice.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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