
June 5, 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting Summary

The College of Chiropractors of British Columbia (the College) convened on Saturday, June 5, via Zoom following the College’s Board approval of a virtual extraordinary general meeting (EGM) as per Bylaws, within 60 days of received requests from 15% or more of College registrants.

The College would like to acknowledge and thank registrants, members of the public and all who attended, those who observed and participated in the June 5, 2021 EGM. At its peak, a total of 701 full registrants were in attendance, which is approximately 52% of the BC registrants. There were also 73 members of the general public in attendance at the EGM. For more details, see the EGM minutes here.

Of the seven resolutions submitted to the College in compliance with section 35 of the Bylaws, the second resolution was deemed out of order as it conflicted with the first resolution, thus voices, both for and against, were heard on six resolutions and concluded with polls. Only full registrants who were present at the meeting were eligible to vote on the resolutions. Verification of the poll results indicate the following, in summary of resolutions discussed at the EGM:

Resolution #1:

“Resolved that the College of Chiropractors of British Columbia is encouraged to review and redact the Feb 4th, 2021 amendments to the Personal Conduct Handbook (PCH) Part 2, Part 15, and Appendix L regarding Diagnostic Imaging” (April 30, 2021 – Dr. Mark Foullong)


  • 247 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 287 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • 0 votes were disqualified

Resolution #2:

“Resolved that these amendments be upheld.” (May 3, 2031 – Dr. Michael Maxwell)


Resolution #3:

“Resolved that the CCBC Efficacy Claims Policy be upheld and updated according to the policy.” (May 3, 2021 – Dr. Michael Maxwell)

CARRIED (001/21-03)

  • 330 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 286 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • Four votes were disqualified

Resolution #4:

“Resolved that this relationship, or a similar relationship with an established research institution, be maintained for the purpose of informing regulation in the public interest using current, unbiased assessments of the evidence.” (May 3, 2021 – Dr. Michael Maxwell)

CARRIED (001/21-04)

  • 338 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 267 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • Five votes were disqualified

Resolution #5:

“Resolved that the directors undertake a comprehensive and full examination to include but not limited to Roberts Rules of Order found in bylaw 13, (12), all actions of the board, committee, and staff for transparency, possible apprehension of bias, conflict of interest, and compliance of fiduciary duty. The review and published report with recommendations of and actions to be taken by the Board to be placed on the public CCBC website prior the AGM to be held in 2021.” (May 5, 2021 – Dr. Don Nixdorf)


  • 269 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 317 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • Two votes were disqualified

Resolution #6:

“Resolved the board of the CCBC conduct a full investigation and review to identify all direct and indirect policies, guidelines, directives, position statements, or other information of other health professions, and institutions such as ICBC or WCB that directly or indirectly fail to serve and protect the public or are not in the public interest because such information influences the public not to attend chiropractic doctors in BC. A report of the findings will identify any third parties influencing patient choice or creating barriers to interprofessional collaboration. The report shall include sources of such information and recommend the means by which compliance with the Health Professions Act may be achieved. An interim report should be provided for public review on the CCBC website at latest 2 weeks prior to the CCBC 2021 AGM and final report published on the CCBC website by March 15 2022.” (May 5, 2021 – Dr. Bruce Russel)


  • 274 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 329 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • Three votes were disqualified

Resolution #7:

“Resolved the directors of CCBC adopt a clear policy that information considered by the Board must be relevant to chiropractic education, expertise, practice experience, research and be fully disclosed and available to the public unless protected by privacy legislation.” (May 5, 2021 – Dr. Greg Smillie)


  • 246 eligible registrants voted in favour
  • 334 eligible registrants voted in opposition
  • Three votes were disqualified

All of the resolutions are for the consideration of the Board and are not binding on the Board.

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