BC Health Regulators

How do regulatory colleges work?

Colleges, or regulators, are responsible for setting and enforcing the standards, or rules, of their professions. Under BC law, our mandate is to serve and protect the public. Each college responds to complaints from patients, the public and other health care providers. Colleges take action if a health professional’s practice is unsafe or unethical.

Each college has a board that includes members elected by its peers and at least two public members appointed by the government. Members of the profession and the public are also involved in college complaints, discipline processes and other committees.

The college regulates the profession. The board oversees the regulator’s activities and is accountable for how the regulator operates. This is called self-regulation. Self-regulation is a privilege granted by the government. Government recognizes that the profession is best positioned to know what education and practice standards are needed to ensure public safety and high quality services.