
New Registrar Announcement

The College of Chiropractors of British Columbia is pleased to announce that Mr. Richard Simpson, BSc will be taking over the role of Registrar and CEO for approximately 8 months starting August 7, 2018.

Richard brings over 40 years experience working in BC’s provincial public service. Most recently, he served as Registrar to BC’s Emergency Medical Assistants Licensing Board, which has the responsibility for regulating the province’s 15,000 paramedics and first responders. He is adept at generating commitment to the corporate vision and translating commitment into goals and actions. The knowledge and expertise derived from senior leadership roles in public policy analysis and development will be a huge benefit to the College in the upcoming months. Please extend a warm welcome to Richard as he takes on the position of the College Registrar.

Contact information for the registrar’s office will remain the same,

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